


赤崎?天野?吉野 ノーベル賞記念展示室

© Nobel Media AB 2014 Photo: Alexander Mahmoud


名城大学の赤﨑勇 特別栄誉教授と天野浩 特別栄誉教授は、青色LEDの発明により、2014年ノーベル物理学賞を受賞され、吉野彰終身教授?特別栄誉教授はリチウムイオン電池の開発により、2019年ノーベル化学賞を受賞されました。本展示室では、3名の教授のこれまでの研究活動とノーベル賞受賞の功績を顕彰し、この偉業を後世へ伝えていく場としてさまざまな展示を行っています。

In Praise of Research that Opened Up the Future Isamu Akasaki and Hiroshi Amano, Distinguished Professors of Meijo University, were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2014 for the invention of the blue LED. Akira Yoshino, University Professor and Distinguished Professor of Meijo University, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2019 for the development of the lithium-ion battery. This exhibition room hosts a variety of exhibits as a space to honor the research activities of the three professors and their achievement of winning the Nobel Prize and to communicate this great achievement to posterity.


© Nobel Media AB 2014 Photo: Alexander Mahmoud

名城大学 赤﨑 勇


この展示を通して本研究に対する皆様のご理解が深まり、より一層大きな成果につながることを心より願っております。※ 2021年4月1日ご逝去

My research focused on what numerous researchers sought to accomplish but failed at in the latter half of the 20th century: the invention of a highly efficient blue light-emitting diode. I kept trying and never gave up on seeing my pursuit through to the end. I was joined by Hiroshi Amano Distinguished Professor of Meijo University along the way, and finally achieved my goal in 1989. Blue light is special, even within the realm of visible light. It can be combined with phosphor to produce white light, which makes it also possible to generate light of all colors. The fields of application are expected to expand even further in the future.
It is our hope that through this exhibition, you can attain a deeper understanding of our research, which will lead to even greater achievements.

© Nobel Media AB 2014 Photo: Alexander Mahmoud

名城大学 天野 浩


この度は、素晴らしい記念展示室をご準備いただき、本当にありがとうございました。ご準備から設立に至るまでご尽力いただいた名城大学の皆様にお礼申し上げます。 私は、依頼される講演では、何故日本から青色LEDが生まれたか、それは赤﨑先生の“信念”と“人を巻き込む力”のおかげであると、常に述べさせていただいております。信号機から、携帯?スマホ、そして照明と、社会システムの変化を見るにつけ、学生当時、赤﨑研究室でその研究に携わることができたことを、この上なくありがたいことと感じております。願わくば、この展示室でその経緯を皆様、特に次代を担う若い方にご覧いただき、当時の熱気が引き継がれんことを祈念しております。

I wish to express my sincerest appreciation for this wonderful commemorative exhibition. I would like to thank everyone at Meijo University who has worked so hard from the preparation stages through to installation. When I receive lecture requests and am asked why the blue LED was invented in Japan, I always reply that it was due to Professor Akasaki’s unwavering belief and his ability to get everyone involved with research. When I see the changes of social infrastructure such as traffic signals, cell phones, smartphones, and lighting,I am extremely grateful I was able to be involved in Professor Akasaki’s research from the time I was a student. It is my wish that this exhibition will enable everyone—especially those who will take on a leading role in the next generation—to see this progression and carry on the passion for this research into the future.

© Nobel Media. Photo: A. Mahmoud

名城大学 吉野 彰



The development of the lithium-ion battery (LIB) was awarded the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The award was conferred for two reasons. One of these is that the LIB has made a great contribution to bringing about today's mobile IT society. Happily, this society has now been achieved, with the LIB playing a significant role. The second reason is that the LIB shoulders great expectations in bringing about a sustainable society. This society has not yet been achieved; it still lies before us. The LIB, which has electrical storage functions, must play a key role in the sustainable society of the future. The characteristics, mechanisms, and history of the LIB, and the prospects for its presence in society, are depicted in this exhibit room. Our hope is that the young leaders of the future who see the exhibits will go on to create the next great innovations.














